Erfan Halgheh | عرفان حلقه

Erfan Halgheh : stands as a prominent television network, offering a continuous stream of diverse courses, enlightening meetings, thought-provoking lectures, and a plethora of scientific discourses. This visionary platform is brought to life by Mohammad Ali Taheri, providing a 24-hour broadcasting service.

Unlocking the World of Knowledge: Arfan Halghe TV's Mission

Dedicated to the dissemination of wisdom and profound insights, Arfan Halghe TV serves as a hub for seekers of knowledge. The network covers an array of subjects, including various courses, engaging meetings, and enlightening lectures, creating an invaluable resource for those on a quest for intellectual and spiritual growth.

Satellite Frequency: Tune in for Wisdom

To access this treasure trove of knowledge, viewers can connect to Arfan Halghe TV via satellite. The specified satellite frequency is Eutelsat 7B/A, 11262 H, 27500, 3/4.

Why Choose Arfan Halghe TV?

  1. Comprehensive Courses: Arfan Halghe TV provides a rich variety of courses, catering to the diverse interests of its audience. From spirituality to science, the network ensures a well-rounded educational experience.

  2. Enlightening Meetings: The platform features insightful meetings, fostering intellectual discussions and creating a space for the exchange of ideas.

  3. Thoughtful Lectures: Renowned scholar Mohammad Ali Taheri delivers thought-provoking lectures, offering deep insights into various subjects and encouraging critical thinking.

  4. Scientific Discourses: Explore multiple scientific discourses that delve into the realms of knowledge, providing a unique perspective on various scientific phenomena.

Erfan Halgheh


  • Original title
    Erfan Halgheh
  • Alternative titles
    عرفان حلقه
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  • Categories
    Religious Channel