Baraadaran Leila | فیلم برادران لیلا

Baraadaran Leila :  Film Baradaran Leila - فیلم برادران لیلا - نسخه لو رفته - Watch on LiveFarsi

At the age of 40, Leila has dedicated her entire life to caring for her parents and four brothers. The family is immersed in constant arguments and burdened by overwhelming debts, exacerbated by the economic crisis and soaring inflation due to US economic sanctions on their country. Faced with financial struggles, Leila conceives a bold plan to establish a family business that could rescue them from poverty.

In pursuit of capital to set up a storefront in a soon-to-be-converted mall bathroom, the family's ambitions clash with the patriarchal desires of their father, Esmail. Esmail, aspiring to be the family patriarch, intends to gift 40 gold coins at a wedding, oblivious to the aspirations of his grown children. Seizing an opportunity, Leila collaborates with her three brothers to deceive Alireza, designated to present the coins on behalf of their father, by giving him an empty box.

Esmail is briefly crowned patriarch only to be swiftly demoted and replaced by a rival. The situation takes a dramatic turn when it's revealed that Alireza lacks the coins, and the father claims to have mortgaged the house to obtain them. With the family facing homelessness, Alireza, feeling used and fearing for their shelter, turns his brothers against Leila's plans. They decide to return the money to their father to pay off the mortgage.

Despite their efforts, inflation and soaring prices thwart their plans, making it nearly impossible to gather enough money for the coins or buy back the house, pushing them closer to financial ruin. In a shocking revelation, it emerges that the father never mortgaged the house; instead, he maintained a secret bank account, letting his children suffer while accumulating cash to fund the gold coins.

Baraadaran Leila

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